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1957 Chevrolet Bel Air

JUST ARRIVED! HASN'T BEEN DETAILED OR RUN THROUGH OUR SHOP YET. IF INTERESTED MORE PICTURES AND INFO CAN BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. THE ADVERTISED PRICE IS FOR AS IT SITS BEFORE IT RUNS THROUGH OUR SHOP. ’57 CHEVY BELAIR CONV. - Belair Restored approx. 30 years ago. Rebuilt 283 V8 engine. Automatic transmission. here is what we know about the 57 Chevy convertible The car was purchased by two sisters from the Fort Madison Iowa dealership in 1957. It stayed in the family until 1988 after the two sisters passed away. The car was inherited by the sister’s relatives. The car was repainted in 1985 from what we were told. Then in 1986 was sold to Ralph Kemp. Ralph had it stored in his garage from 1988 until he passed away in February 2022. The radiator was flushed and cleaned. In the fall of 2022 was rebuilt, the carburetor was rebuilt. The three-speed transmission was put in. We were told by the engine builder and a Chevrolet enthusiast that this 283 is the original motor for this car. The original Powerglide transmission is still in our possession. Also, replace new were the battery cables and air filter rear axle pinion seal, and new rear end oil. New starter, rebuilt 350 3 speed, automatic transmission rebuild, hydraulic convertible, top pump. New fuel tank and sending unit. New U joints, and yolk, new battery, new heater, hose, and the carburetor was rebuilt.
